As Dionne falls asleep she falls into the world we all fear. Her subconsciousness overcomes her as she walks into a world where the norm is reversed and the surreal awakens. As the world as she knows it morphs into unreality she sleeps unknowingly amongst her nightmares and her nightmares roam and haunt close by her bedside tensely awaiting her consciousness once again....
Writen, Directed & Edited By Brayden Doig
This film was received The Queenland New Filmakers Award in 2009

As Dionne falls asleep she falls into the world we all fear. Her subconsciousness overcomes her as she walks into a world where the norm is reversed and the surreal awakens. As the world as she knows it morphs into unreality she sleeps unknowingly amongst her nightmares and her nightmares roam and haunt close by her bedside tensely awaiting her consciousness once again.
Directed & Created By Brayden Doig